In this RESET version, some content is added and reset. Detailed setting content for all operators and skins is added. It is adjusted to a more compact overall layout, and the number of pages has changed to a certain extent compared to before the reset.
Hopefully in the near future, more details and stories about the front and back of Arknights can be presented to everyone in a better and more comprehensive way.
Arknights Official Artworks Vol. 1 RESET Edition
Official Product Name (Chinese):《明日方舟官方美术设定集VOL.1》RESET版 周边套组
Publisher: Zhejiang People’s Fine Arts Publishing House (浙江人民美术出版社)
Binding method: Hardcover
Size: around 210mm x 285mm
Number of page: 354 pages
List of Content
Arknights Official Vol.1 Reset Illustration Collection Book
Cultivation mix x 1 set
Pass authentication SP (Doctor) x 1pc
Amiya Special Costume Sower Redemption Card x 1pc (Only redeemable on Chinese Arknights Server)